Saturday, July 20, 2013

Hanoi Food Challenge - Round Two!

If you've been reading this blog for a while, you probably remember back in November when I undertook my Hanoi Food Challenge. After I did that, my plan was to keep trying new places, at a rate of one a week, and to blog about them. Well, that didn't happen. Not that I haven't tried anywhere new since then, but it only happened occasionally and I certainly didn't blog about any of them!
 photo HanoiFoodChallengeButton.pngI have, however, been keeping a list of places that I want to try, and since that's getting rather long, it's time to do my week again! In fact, this time I sent out an email at work asking for people's favourite restaurants, so combined with what I already had my list is so long that I could probably do two weeks pretty easily. That sounds like a lot though, so right now I'm only willing to commit to one full week. It just means there might be yet another week before too long!
This time, however, it's going to be a bit different. A few weeks ago, I started the Fast Diet, which means that for two days per week I only consume 500 calories. The calorie counting and non-eating that this involves means that the Hanoi Food Challenge is quite impractical for those days, so during my week I'll have two mid-week days off to fast. To make up for that I'll be conducting my challenge from today (Saturday) through to next Sunday, which makes 9 days, minus my two fast days to make a full week. Make sense?
It won't be very different though. Just like last time, you can expect regular updates of where and what I've been eating, complete with pictures and reviews, and a re-cap at the end. So come back in a day or two for the first report!


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