Friday, October 26, 2012

Fruity Fridays - Sri Lankan mystery fruit number two!

I mentioned last week that I went to Sri Lanka for two weeks. And that there was lots of fruit. One day at breakfast I had a choice between a glass of fresh fruit juice or a fruit plate. I asked for the fruit plate, and this is what I got:

That's FAR more fruit than I could ever eat in one sitting, but I gave it a pretty good try!

Anyway, last week I told you all about the fruit stand I stumbled upon that had all sorts of strange fruits. One of them was this:

The guy called it an Australian Ice Cone, but after a lot of searching for various versions of this name, all I've come up with is snow cones in Australia, which are a very different thing! I have absolutely no idea what this fruit actually is.

On the outside it's a bit fuzzy, like a peach, and quite firm. When you cut it open, you see sections of fuzzy white fruit, each with a stone inside. I suspect the fuzziness is where the "ice" name came from.

The taste was a bit like a lychee I guess, but that fuzziness is a somewhat strange texture to have on a fruit! I didn't mind this one, but certainly didn't love it.

So, readers, does anyone have any idea what this might be? Have you seen it or tried it before? Where? What's it really called? I'm very curious!

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